Council 082 Ilford
Meeting Hall: 342 High Road Ilford, IG1 1QP.
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The Ilford Council 082 meet on the third Friday of the month at 8pm in the Parish Repository located in the old School building next to SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church on High Road Ilford.
The Council 082 was erected in 1924 making it the third Council in the South of England. The Council fell dormant in 1968 but with the help of Co.145 was re-erected in 1982.
Actions undertaken by Brothers include cleaning and preparing the Church for major feast days, our Facebook page shows the fantastic Christmas trees put up by the Brothers.
Brothers steward busy Masses, most recently Brothers had the honour of stewarding with the Ordination and helping with the celebrations at the ordination of Fr. Damian Wade.
Brothers actively raise funds and have over the years raised thousands of pounds between St. Francis’ Hospice, Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society, CAFOD and many other good causes. Brothers also raise funds for the local catholic schools by running a BBQ

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Parish Repository,
Catholic Church of St Peter and Paul Ilford
342 High Road. Ilford. IG1 1QP

Grand Knight CO82.